Navigate Your Retirement Account Like A Pro

401k • 403b • IRA • TSP • Mutual Funds & ETF Platforms

ready to take control of your 401k?

how it works


market conditions

By using our proprietary analysis, 401k Compass aims to identify current stock market and economic trends. During positive markets, we will suggest using a higher percentage of stock mutual funds.  During a negative market, a more defensive position will be suggested (higher allocation to Bond Funds, Money Market, or Stable Value funds). The goal is to capture most of the market's upside and avoid most of the downside. Learn more


risk assessment

Understanding your personal appetite for risk is a crucial factor in your personal asset allocation. 401k Compass provides its subscribers with a Risk Assessment Questionnaire to aid in the determination of your individual risk exposure. The Risk Assessment Questionnaire is meant to help the subscriber determine their personal risk. If you feel it’s appropriate, you’re welcome to deviate from the questionnaire results and use a more or less risky position. Learn more


market favorability

Once the direction of the market is determined in Step 1, the goal of Step 3 is to determine which asset classes and market sectors are currently in favor.  Said another way, depending on current economic conditions the stock market tends to favor certain industry sectors and asset classes, and disregard others.  In step 3, 401k Compass identifies the sectors and asset classes exhibiting the highest current level of relative strength. Learn more


apply allocations

In this step, your specific choices/funds available in your company’s 401k are analyzed to determine which choices best correlate to the Industry Sectors and Asset Classes displaying the highest level of relative strength, as determined in Step 3.  For example, if Energy and Financial Services are the current top-performing Industry Sectors and Large Cap Growth and Small-Cap Growth are at the top-performing Asset Classes. Learn more

Capture the market upside,

and minimize the downside.
