401k Compass > Company Overview
take control
of your 401k!
Take the guesswork out of your 401k
Reduce risk and volitility
Enhance long-term success
newsletter overview
401k Compass is a members-only newsletter with the purpose of providing company-specific 401k information in an easy-to-understand and simple to implement manner.
We recognized that too often information about 401ks is confusing and difficult to interpret. By removing the confusion from 401k choices, you'll be more able to take control of your own financial futures.
401k Compass’s end goal is to consistently deliver timely information and keep subscribers properly allocated based on individual risk tolerance, specific 401k mutual fund choices and most importantly, current stock market and economic conditions.
401k Compass can be used with more than 401k plans. It works with 403b, IRA, 457 and Thrift Saving Plans, Mutual Funds and many EFT Platforms as well.
our mission
The goal of 401k Compass is to remove the guesswork from your company's 401k choices. 401k Compass puts you back in control of your own retirement.
No more feeling overwhelmed, under-informed and hoping you’re allocating your retirement savings currently.
how we work
ready to take control of your 401k?